Tuesday, 22 February 2011

ZARDOZ - Charlotte Rampling

Because the thing I remember about Zardoz the movie wasn't Sir Sean prancing around in an orange loincloth or the giant flying stone head ( though that's pretty cool ) , it was Charlotte Rampling...
Because Helen Mirren is only the second most fanciable englishwoman over 60.   ...and then there's Julie Christie.


  1. This movie is her only black spot.
    I sentence her to age 10 years for appearing in it!

  2. Nice drawing. If Fanciable means what I think it means, then I submit Lindsay Duncan (Servilia of HBO's Rome) to that list of over-60 Englishwomen.

  3. I have a slight problem with Lindsay Duncan , brilliant actress though she is. Too pale.

  4. Also Duncan is disqualified for being scottish

  5. Scots! The lowest form of life!

    You are correct about her paleness. She's like an undersaturated watercolor. No wonder they went with the orange wig on Rome.

  6. Beautiful picture. Also what about Jenny Aguter in your list of fit over 60 englishwomen?
