Monday, 15 November 2010

Faux New Yorker: Zombies

Today's topic was "New Yorker Comic". I watched Walking Dead last night so I came up with this:

So, what are you in the mood for tonight? I was thinking maybe a little Mexican...

The end result is maybe more Far Side than New Yorker, but whatever. Gary Larson rules.

Incidentally, this is not my first stab at doing some New Yorker style cartoons. In fact, a few years back, one of my cartoons even won a New Yorker contest on the Leonard Lopate show. Check that one out here, as well as a couple of other cartoons I did.


  1. I forgot about that contest! I entered too...'t even get a mention.

    Little Mexican! I get it!

  2. If he weren't dead already, Herve Villezchaise would be sweating right now.

    Actually, I'm pretty sure he wasn't Mexican, but one shouldn't expect the walking dead to be particularly discriminating in these matters.

  3. You're saying he'd get pulled over in Arizona.
    I understand.

  4. please, George...there are no comics in the New Yorker, only cartoons! It sounds much classier.

  5. Congrats George! I think you should change it to Korean though. That's just my opinion.
