You may or may not know this, but Drawbridge studios is actually made up of two distinct comics studios (as well as a veritable slew of guest stars from all over the place) located beneath the same roof in Gowanus, Brooklyn (which is itself located under a bridge, hence the name). The two studios are Hypothetical Island (The Cool Kids) and Deep 6 (The uncool, kinda-smell-like-pee Kids).
One of the mainstays of Hypothetical Island has been cartoonist
Jason Little, whose new book "
Motel Art Improvement Service" hits comic shops and bookstores starting tomorrow or thereabouts.
In order to celebrate this occasion, I drew Jason's main character, Bee, in 3D, reflecting an ongoing obsession of Mr. Little's. She's donning a surgical glove in a reference to a scene in the book-- let me just say it relates to the comeuppance for the book's main villain, a comeuppance that dwarfs all comeuppances that have ever befallen all the villains in all the books that have ever been written before. It's that good.
In the meantime, please check out
Motel Art Improvement Service.